Monday, January 30, 2012

It's A Small World...

A friend of mine told me about a Yahoo chat group that was for parents who are adopting specifically from the Henan Province of China, where Leo is currently living. I signed up and shortly thereafter was conversing with other adoptive parents who have been to Leo's orphanage to adopt in the past or who's child is currently living there. I came across a woman who is adopting her second daughter from China, a three year old who is living in Leo's orphanage. She gave me the email address for a woman (an American I think) who is living and working in the orphanage. I emailed her and she was able to tell me exactly where Leo is. He is living in a section of the orphanage that is run by a charity called Show Hope ( They care for special needs orphans and have three centers in China. She was able to tell me that this is a very new facility and that it is very clean and tidy. There are full time nurses who work in this section of the orphanage. There is also a very low ratio of kids to caregivers-one caregiver for every three children. The children have access to toys, a park, a preschool for the older kids, and are very well stimulated and cared for. It is an excellent facility. Because she doesn't work in that exact facility she is unable to get pictures or specific information pertaining to Leo. However, just knowing that he is under their care makes me feel so much better and gives me peace of mind as I wait for him on the other side of the world.

I also spoke with other parents who have adopted from the Jiaozuo City Social Welfare Institute, where Leo is, who were able to tell me the hotels they stayed in, the restaurants they ate in, where to get formula, diapers, sightseeing spots, even where to find cute shoes! They were able to tell me what to bring and what I can get there. They even described the manner in which Leo will be given to us and what to expect that day. Knowing a little about what to expect helps to ease so many anxieties. It's also so incredible to hear about other people's experiences and adoption stories. Each parent seems to be overflowing with joy as they tell their story. They have each said the same thing-get ready for the adventure of your life!

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